Top 10 Free Hiring Templates in Notion

Hiring is a critical process that can shape the future of your organization by bringing in new talent and skills. It's important to have a structured approach to manage applications, interviews, and candidate evaluations effectively. A Hiring template in Notion can streamline this process, ensuring that all stakeholders have access to the necessary information and can collaborate seamlessly.

Before you start creating your own hiring system, check out these Hiring Notion templates below to help make it easier.

1Bewerbungstracker mit Automatisierungen

Optimiere mithilfe von Datenbank-Automatisierungen deinen Rekrutierungsprozess mit der Bewerbungstracker-Vorlage von Notion. Diese Vorlage kümmert sich um den Datumsstempel für Angebote und die automatische Zuweisung von Interviewer/-innen, damit du dich auf die Auswahl der richtigen Talente konzentrieren kannst. Diese Vorlage dient als dein virtueller Einstellungsassistent, der Routineaufgaben automatisiert, um den Einstellungsprozess sowohl für dich als auch für die Bewerber/-innen reibungsloser zu gestalten.

Eine Vorlagenvorschau für Bewerbungstracker mit Automatisierungen

2API template

The API documentation template helps individuals, teams, and companies by providing a clear and organized structure for presenting API information, making it easier to understand and utilize. This in turn fosters better collaboration, streamlines development processes, and reduces time spent on troubleshooting. By improving API comprehension and usability, the template ultimately enhances productivity and the overall quality of applications built using the documented APIs.

Eine Vorlagenvorschau für API template

3Free Job Tracker

Unlock Your Career Success: Get Hired Faster with Our Free Notion Job Tracker Template!

Designed with job seekers in mind

Our comprehensive Notion template empowers you to effortlessly organise and monitor every aspect of your job search. Keep track of your submitted applications and maintain a detailed record of your interviews—all in one central location.

What Awaits You?:

Seamlessly Track Every Application Step, from Submission to Replies, through Our Intuitive Tracker

Access Crucial Insights Instantly: Each Job Page Features Dedicated Spaces for Applications, Company Notes, and Interview Preparation

Elevate Interview Performance: Conquer Interviews with Confidence, Empowered by Our Curated List of Standout, Free Interview Questions

Eine Vorlagenvorschau für Free Job Tracker

4Applicant & Roles Tracker

A detailed applicant pipeline from incoming application to offer. Track interview dates, take notes, enable hiring managers to stay in the loop.

Eine Vorlagenvorschau für Applicant & Roles Tracker

5Recruiting Team in-a-Box

Optimize your recruitment efforts with the Recruiting Team in-a-Box template. This comprehensive tool brings together key aspects of the recruitment process such as tracking applicants, managing open roles, and coordinating recruiting tasks, in a single accessible space.

By centralizing all your recruitment resources, it helps eliminate the hassle of juggling multiple platforms and keeps everyone on the same page. With everything from creating a compelling careers page to crafting effective interview guides, this template helps streamline your recruitment process, encouraging a more efficient and collaborative team dynamic.

Eine Vorlagenvorschau für Recruiting Team in-a-Box

6Interview Prep Template & Guidebook

The template provides for a cohesive workflow for an interview preparation. It highlights the steps to take and information to prepare. It also allows for easy tracking of job interviews.

Eine Vorlagenvorschau für Interview Prep Template & Guidebook

7Blinkist's hiring wiki

Blinkist’s hiring wiki template unlocks growth with quality. Ensure a consistent process for every interview by consolidating all interview guidelines, referral tips, best practices and more. Use their template to avoid scattered information and create a synchronized and efficient system for everyone involved in the hiring process.

Eine Vorlagenvorschau für Blinkist's hiring wiki

8Anleitung für Vorstellungsgespräche

Verwende diese Vorlage, um Bewerber/-innen auf ihre Vorstellungsgespräche vorzubereiten und ihnen hilfreiche Ressourcen wie Videos, Links, Zeitpläne und mehr anzubieten.

Eine Vorlagenvorschau für Anleitung für Vorstellungsgespräche

9Interview kit

With so many talented people in our industry currently looking for their next opportunity, this template is a tool to help anyone keep track of each position of interest. Add new roles, take notes, track progression steps, and more.

Eine Vorlagenvorschau für Interview kit


Verwalte den Fortschritt der Bewerber/-innen während des gesamten Einstellungszyklus mit dieser Vorlage, mit der du die Informationen, Notizen, Dokumente, Angebote, nächsten Schritte und vieles mehr leicht einsehen kannst.

Eine Vorlagenvorschau für Bewerbungstracker
